The Freedom Through Email Newsletter

Hey I'm Francis :)I help freelance copywriters, email marketers and biz owners make more money, enjoy more freedom, and build their ideal lifestyles — all through the power of persuasive, profitable emails.Enter your email below to get my free training, Hook & Convert: 7 Profitable Emails To Sell High-Ticket Offers, and make quick cash from your or your clients' email list today!

Join 4,000+ freedom-based freelancers and biz owners who get (near) daily tips on building profitable one-person businesses with email marketing.

What High-Earning Freelancers, Marketers, and Business
Owners Are Saying About Me...

"Francis is running one of the most engaging and valuable newsletters out there. He shares real tips on how to become a successful freelancer...
it is one of those emails that you read to the end and take immediate action!" -

Barbora Pocuchova, Top LinkedIn Ghostwriter & Content Strategist

Francis has transformed our internal email program from non existent to flourishing in a matter of months.
Exceptional email marketer and lucky to have him on the team. -

Oscar Maria, eCommerce GM at MediaForce

Francis' emails always serve a purpose. So I promise you: if you read his stuff and take action, you will end up with one outcome: Make a ton of money through copywriting (specifically writing simple emails) and live a life of freedom.For 80% of his readers, this freedom means traveling, working less and earning more, and living in luxury. For me, it means being a present parent, being able to work around my kids' schedule, and still make a lot of money to live a comfortable life. -
Hira Osama, Freelance Email Marketer & Copywriter

"Francis is by far the best email copywriter we have worked so far for email marketing, and we have worked with multiple people..." -
Marko Lamza, Managing Partner at Pinnacle International